Friday, March 9, 2007

Game On
OK, here goes. Bing and I have spoken a bit about how we use (or try to use) technology in the classrooms and I think this is a good place to start a dialogue regarding the implementation of technology in the classroom from a teacher's perspective. The administration and the technology department staff are encouraged to participate, we will not be able to effectively adjust what it is we do here without you, so hop on board.

We welcome all input, please feel free to start your own blog, comment here about the topic(s) posted, or find some other way to spark discussion (wiki anyone?) about this extremely important subject.

I will try to keep us updated on some topics that other schools and individuals are using to help their students prepare for the challenges they face now and in the future regarding technology in the classroom, as well as technology AS the classroom. But more on that later.

Here's some stuff that has gotten me a bit fired-up about this. Some of these we have already seen via e-mail. They are thought-provoking to say the least. Karl Fisch presentations-Arapahoe High School, Littleton CO.

I think the next question is , (as the blog is titled) "What's the Next Move?"




Miller said...

Looks good Tom, and certainly one way to get our students prepared for 21st Century skills is to use them ourselves, be a model. Otherwise it's not real. Thanks for getting this started and we'll see where it goes.


KHD said...

Well Mr. Miller and Mr. Webster, here I am, one month later, finding the blog and the comment. It is about how far I've been behind Bing all year as I've learned all about Web 2.0 from him. Today I taught myself how to add to the google calendar he sent me months ago; also watched the demo on how to use the google apps to share spreadsheets. This all came about because of the impending budget cuts, the fact that it seems I'll never get the secretarial support that's been promised for the past 3 years, and my need to figure out how to better schedule the 140 annual review PPT meetings that occur each spring. I'm pretty sure now that with a little tech support about domains that I can upload an excel spreadsheet, give access to my dept. and then ask them to fill in their students' data so that I don't have to do it. This is not exactly an educational application; however, if I do this, maybe (and it's a big maybe in terms of the potential fear I may cause in my department)it will free me up to pursue more meaningful uses of Web 2.0 for students. Tagging along behind Bing this year has certainly gotten me thinking. For example, one of my random thoughts was that the kids in Research and Study should have a google calendar; that way when they "lose" those planners they get, they'd have a back up..ha! No excuses! And then their parents, who frequently ask teachers to e-mail homework, could, instead, ask them to open their Google calendar. That's my first idea. And that's enough for now!